Paul Latimer

Latimer: Violence and the mentally ill

Substance abuse is a strong risk factor for both violence and suicide…

Latimer: Connecting the IQ dots

Researchers found general intelligence is not tied to one part of the brain, but is determined by a network of regions across both sides.

Latimer: Study finds clues to future cognitive impairment

Study offers new insight about dementia and how to prevent it.

Latimer: Improved access online may help mental health services

It’s been simply a matter of time before we figured out how to do some mental health care online.

Latimer: Stem cell research cure source for bipolar disorder

Researchers are now using stem cells from skin fibroblasts of people with bipolar disorder to better understand this mental illness.

Latimer: Long-term effects of childhood bullying

Victims of bullying had higher rates of depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation at age 45 than those who had not been bullied.

Latimer: New research in Alzheimer’s disease

To date we haven’t got any treatments that do much to reverse or even slow the degenerative progress of Alzheimer's.

Latimer: Mistakes in managing ADHD

A diagnosis is really just the beginning of the lifelong work of managing this condition.

Latimer: Stem cell research in bipolar disorder

Researchers are now using stem cells from skin fibroblasts of people with bipolar disorder to gain understanding of this mental illness.

Latimer: University study sheds light on autism

Much of the fear surrounding autism is based on its apparent increase in prevalence lately and our lack of understanding.

Latimer: Poverty leads to country’s biggest health gap

Lack of affordable housing, nutritious food, access to medications or other treatments all contributing factors.

Latimer: Addressing mental health issues

The Canadian Medical Association lists poverty as the leading factor determining health in our country.

Latimer: Taking the guesswork out of mental health

Thanks to today’s…knowledge…we now have more opportunity to pinpoint what is happening within the brain to cause specific symptoms.

Latimer: Battle stigma of mental illness

One of the most important ways we can prevent the tragedy of suicide, is to battle the stigma that often surrounds mental illness.

People developing deficit disorder from not relating to nature

These days, children seem to spend a lot less time engaged in simple imaginative play outside.

Latimer: New research uncovering the genetics of bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness affecting roughly two per cent of the population.

Latimer: Eating becomes disordered when imposing food limits

Orthorexic behaviour is eating to be healthy, natural or pure. Unfortunately, the results can be as devastating as other eating disorders.

Latimer: Cult of confidence can be annoying

The probability of the most confident person in the room also being the most competent is only 15 per cent better than chance.

Intermittent explosive disorder becoming more common

The name describes the disorder pretty well. It is a condition involving impulsive aggression.

Latimer: B.C. needs to develop a poverty reduction plan

Seasonal giving does raise some questions about what we are doing the rest of the year to deal with the root causes of poverty and want.