Paul Latimer

Latimer: Resolve to do meaningful work in 2013

Since most adults spend the bulk of their time at work, it is a common place to start when it comes to improving our future.

Latimer: Possible explanation for symptoms related to ‘chemo brain’

You have no doubt heard about many unpleasant side effects from chemotherapy cancer treatments.

Latimer: Skin picking a unique disorder for which treatment should be sought

If you’ve got a small bump or bit of dry skin, do you leave it alone or are you someone who just can’t help but obsessively pick at it?

Latimer: Discovering new tools that can help treat mental illnesses

One new study published this year may have found a biomarker to assist in early diagnosis of bipolar disorder among youth and young adults.

Latimer: Attributing sugar intake to bad behaviour

Studies have shown conclusively that there is no causal relationship between consumption of sugar and hyperactive behaviour in children.

Latimer: Impact on economy can be measured

Direct health care costs as well as loss of workplace productivity from mental illness cost our economy billions of dollars every year.

Latimer: ttributing sugar intake to bad behaviour

There are widely held beliefs about sugar and its effect on the hyperactivity and behaviour of children.

Latimer: Vitamin D supplement won’t treat depression

Although the sunshine vitamin is of vital importance to us, a study shows supplementing vitamin D had no effect on symptoms of depression.

Latimer: Depression and anxiety worldwide

New research shows that depression and anxiety exist in every society in the world today.

Latimer: Dealing with psychosis

I hear the comment ‘that person is psychotic' frequently from people when talking about strange or unsettling behaviour.

Latimer: Brain research illustrates how free will is an illusion

Most of us take it for granted that we have free will and conduct ourselves accordingly.

Latimer: Scientists discovers genes related to our IQ level

Until recently, we did not know the specifics of any genetic cause for intelligence.

Latimer: Getting closer to mapping how the brain functions

The brain is such an incredibly complex organ it’s no wonder we still have a long way to go before fully understanding the way it works.

Latimer: Ten steps on how to get the most out of psychiatric care

It’s not easy to get an appointment to see a psychiatrist. With current shortages, patients are often faced with a wait time of many months

Latimer: Medication compliance often difficult to maintain with schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a very serious and disabling mental illness. Symptoms including psychotic hallucinations and delusions.

Latimer: United Nations report on food access embarrassing but true

After touring Canada, a special UN rapporteur announced “extremely severe” concerns about many Canadians’ lack of access to food.

Latimer: New psychiatric ward welcomed

You may have heard there is a new wing opening at the Kelowna General Hospital in the next couple of weeks.

Latimer: Postpartum obsessive thinking

Over the past few years public awareness has increased dramatically about the prevalence of postpartum depression.

Latimer: Apps don’t replace real therapy

Is there an app for that? This little line has aptly defined the recent age of smart phones, tablets and related technological toys.

Latimer: Better access to psychiatric services in Okanagan needed

If you have tried to get a referral to see a psychiatrist in recent years, you may not be surprised to learn that it can be difficult.