Kerry Senchyna

Recovery a key part of performance

In sport, recovery is an essential component of successful, healthy play during both off-season and in-season periods.

An exercise program is an ounce of prevention

Most athletes engage in an exercise program with the main purpose being to increase performance.

Better understanding the science of heart health

Since February is Heart Month, it is a good time to remind ourselves how important exercise is for the heart and cardiorespiratory system...

Kerry Senchyna is a provincially  registered kinesiologist.

Exercise: How much is too much?

A column by Kerry Senchyna, a provincially registered kinesiologist who works in Maple Ridge.

Kerry Senchyna is a provincially  registered kinesiologist.

The sorry state of shin splints

As we gear up for the 2014 spring 10K, fun run and marathon season, there is a common running injury that should be discussed.

Varying intensity works for women

Most of the older studies done regarding improvements in strength and power have been done on male athletes.

COLUMN: Comparing grazing and fasting

COLUMN: Comparing grazing and fasting

The fear with eating three meals a day was that people were getting quite hungry in the long intervals

COLUMN: Comparing grazing and fasting
Kinected with Kerry Senchyna

The challenge of losing weight

Being overweight or obese has numerous health risks associated with it, including a higher risk for cardiovascular, disease, diabetes

Kinected with Kerry Senchyna

Simple solutions for athlete hydrating

Three main time periods to consider fluid intake: before, during, and after playing your sport or workout.

Of summer workouts, sweating and heat stroke

Of summer workouts, sweating and heat stroke

Sweating to lose weight is a dangerous fallacy says Kerry Senchyna, owner of West Coast Kinesiology

West Coast Kinesiology.

Of summer workouts, sweating and heat stroke

Avoid these pre-race pitfalls

Training for a 10-kilometre fun run or full marathon takes dedication, time, effort and a strong will in order to complete successfully.

Strategies to help you get moving

There is agreement among researchers about the benefit of consistent cardiovascular exercise and healthy diet.

Train smarter at the gym: Part 2

Train smarter at the gym: Part 2

A 2010 survey of weight training participants revealed that two-thirds of them had reported shoulder pain while working out.

Train smarter at the gym: Part 2
Train smarter, not harder at the gym

Train smarter, not harder at the gym

A weight training gym is a place where the range of exercises can run the gamut from highly effective and safe to just plain dangerous.

Train smarter, not harder at the gym

Back to basics for exercise routines

When starting an exercise routine, knowing what to do is only half the battle.

Avoiding the Olympic hangover

Does watching the Olympics translate into higher levels of participation for the general public in Canada?

A reason to resist the urge to skip a workout

Research shows exercise may stem the tide of Alzheimer’s

Make your warm-ups and stretches dynamic

Dynamic stretching in warm-ups have been used by track and field athletes for years, but have not widely been practiced within other sports.

Win at all costs: The culture of cheating

After the last spate of dangerous hits, the issue of player conduct, safety and sportsmanship has raised its ugly head again.

Plan ahead to stay cool when exercising

The secrets of stretching for sport

Kerry Senchyna holds a bachelor of science degree in kinesiology and is owner of West Coast Kinesiology

Plan ahead to stay cool when exercising